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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 济南天顺SJG特殊固定式升降台 多剪式升降台
济南天顺SJG特殊固定式升降台 多剪式升降台
产品: 济南天顺SJG特殊固定式升降台 多剪式升降台 
型号: SJG1.0-5
单价: 85000.00元/
最小起订量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-05-18 06:01

产品规格:本类产品采用钢架结构或高强度钢板结构承载能力由0.3至10吨不等,产品尺寸及设备尺寸可根据用户需求定做。操作方式可分为上下控制和地面单人控制,也可多层控制。    产品优势:升降自如、美观大方、结构稳固、故障率低、运行可靠、安全高效、维护简单方便。     适用场所:产品主要用于工矿企业及医药行业、物流行业生产流水线,可在其他行业作为送货电梯来输送货物,地下室到楼层之间的货物举升、装卸,也可用于升降舞台、升降操作台等。还可根据客户要求订做。Product specification: This type of products is made of steel frame or steel plate structure of high strength, whose carrying capacity arranges from 0.3 ton to 10 ton. The size of product or equipment can be designed according to the requirement of customers. Three kinds of operation modes have been presented, which are up and down control, ground individual control, and multilayer control respectively. Product advantages:Smooth elevatingAttractive appearanceStable structureLow failure rateReliable runningSafe and high efficiencySimple and convenient maintenanceSuitable industries and sites: These platforms are mainly used in industrial and mining establishment, medicine trade, and process lines in logistics industry, also, can act as elevating stage, rising platform, and deliver elevator for delivering goods, for lifting and stevedoring the goods from basement to different floors. Importantly, every design can be presented according to the requirements from the固定式液压升降货梯Stationary hydraulic cargo lift固定式液压升降货梯是用于建筑物层高间运送货物的专用液压升降台产品主要用各种工作层间货物上下运送;立体车库和地下车库层高间汽车举升等。产品液压系统设置防坠、超载安全保护装置,各楼层和升降台工作台面均可设置操作按钮,实现多点控制。产品结构坚固,承载量大,升降平稳,安装维护简单方便,是经济实用的低楼层间替代电梯的理想货物输送设备.根据升降台的安装环境和使用要求,选择不同的可选配置,可取得更好的使用效果。Stationary hydraulic cargo lift is a professional hydraulic lift table for transporting goods among layers of constructions. It is mainly used to carry goods between various working layers; auto lifting between layer heights of three-dimensional garage and underground garage, etc. Hydraulic system of our products is set safety protection equipment to fall protect and overload, and it also can realize multiple-point control, for both floor and the table-board of lift table can set operation buttons. Besides, its solid structure, heavy load, stable lifting as well as simple and convenient installation and maintenance, it is the ideal goods transportation equipment which can substitute elevator between floors with low cost. Choose different collocations according to various installation environment and use requirements of lift tables to receive better effect. 固定式液压升降货梯适合在室内外各种环境条件下安装使用。它可根据使用要求,安装在封闭的井道内或畅开的楼层间;安装在凹形基坑内或平实的地面上。Stationary style hydraulic cargo lift is suitable for being installed and used in the open air under various conditions. It can be fixed in sealed wells or open floors as well as concave shape ground holes or flat ground in accordance with use requirements. 
供应济南天顺SJG固定式升降台、液压升降台 载货升降台 济南天顺安全防护栏剪叉式升降台 四轮移动式升降台 汽油机自行式折臂升降台 液压升降台 固定式升降台,高空间货物运输液压升降台 固定式升降台 供应济南天顺GTTY套缸式升降平台,双梯立缸式升降台 实用型电动升降平台车 供应SJY装修升降台 升降平稳安全可靠
公司其他供应信息 | 结实耐用固定式升降台 固定载货液压升降台 | 济南天顺SJY液压升降台 剪叉式升降台 升降平稳安全可靠 | 诚招液压升降台 铝合金升降台 电动升降台代理加盟 | 手动升降台 移动式升降台 电动液压升降台 安全可靠 | 单柱铝合金升降台,移动铝合金式升降台液压升降台 | 供应SJYF防爆电动液压升降机 用于石油化工行业 安全可靠 | 用于高空间汽车升降运输 汽车升降台 厂家直销 | 济南天顺单柱铝合金升降台 液压升降台 | 供应用与车间 厂房高空维修移动剪叉式升降台 移动式液压升降台 高强度锰钢牢固耐用 | 固定单剪叉式汽车升降台